Sunday, May 5, 2013

Pebble wish

It started out the way all days start, and then I saw a pebble. A smooth, simple pebble that was not from this city at all, it had the face of a pebble that had seen the wild waves that kissed it, tossed it and sculpted it into the very shape it was. Over years and years, its coarseness and rough edges had smoothed out and it had a band of contrast in it. Suddenly I had a wish to sit where the pebble had come from.

Where was it from? The  pebble was not from the ocean, no, it had a more homely character, something inland, perhaps a stream of sweet water that flows into a large river. I don't think it was the pebble's location I was thinking of, I was thinking more about where I want to be. Soaking the waves that lap me on the shore of a crystal clear stream of water, that is surrounded by a thousand birds, crickets and frogs singing in perfect harmony. I want to escape. It is just a wish, but it is still a warm wish that is making me smile.

Why should I even care, I wish a new wish everyday? That is not true is it? There is a true wish, something like a dream that is in all of us. A wish to make something impossible, possible. There are is such a wish that the thought of it brings this smile on the lips, a secret smile that escapes the lips when you least expect it, like on the bus, on the street, sometimes in the shower. Such a wish brings the possibility of a warm memory that the heart will treasure for all times from the moment it is fulfilled.

These are not the wishes that built the detailed machinery that sent men to the moon, but it is the wish of a boy, who thought he would walk on the silver dust on the moon and eat the cheese that was there. It is the wish that makes you want to take off from the ground and fly like the birds that soar the sky. When such a wish is chased, it becomes what the reality can never be.

It is not just a pebble, it is the place, the feeling and all the beauty around. This wish has stayed with me for a long time, and now it is time to fulfill it. Now time has come to find the most apt place for the pebble and sit besides it. This wish to be where the pebble was just a simple wish, so I think time has come to make the wish come true. To open the online ticket portal and escape with the pebble.

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