Some falls have nothing to do with sports. There are just those ridiculous phases that loom on ones head where absolutely nothing goes right. Everything one touches seems to crumble to pieces and all one can see ahead is hopeless despair and loss of any logic in life. In such moments, the only thing that seems sensible is to hide behind the blankets of self pity and fear of next failure. At this moment, one can only wish that burying one's head would render him invisible to the world, but all it feels like is an ostrich that has left its rear exposed to the world.
When I think back on my best days at this moment, I smile at myself, because after all the fear and tension, I am still here. The world has not ended, let me correct that, a figment of the world has ended, that moment has passed. I have learnt something from that moment. I have learnt that things will be fine, all I have to do is pick myself out of the thick blanket and face the next day. One day at a time I picked my battles, till I won my first victory, and then another and another. Then I turned the tides.
The magic hardly happened when I won my battles, the magic happened when I decided to stop hiding. Yes, I am an ostrich, an awkward, clumsy and stupid one at that. I am not here to listen to anyone's opinion of me especially today. If you chose today to judge me then it is your reckoning, and let me assure you, it is a bad one. The reason I am standing on my feet today is because I have a fire in me, it feels like last of embers today, but great fires start with little sparks. I will find my spark. I will not sleep and fade into the depth of nothingness. I will rise to be my best, and then, will be better than that.
Yes, that is the fire that needs to be kindled at all times, every time I have made the mistake of letting the fire die, I have found myself in darkness. Every time I have fallen, I have found new strength to rise and be better than what I was. I am an awkward ostrich, but I am one of a kind. I have in me a fire that will make me a phoenix.
Before I start to fly, I rest today. I will gather my strength. Today I have determination in my eyes, and the embers in my heart. Today I heal.