Sunday, March 17, 2013

Pan of dreams

On a rare occasion, when you foresee an increase in your capacity, your dreams and desires scale up to fill your capacity. Just a little extra money in my pocket that I wished to spend on something that I never had made me look at new possibilities in life. I walked thorough the shopping streets and other than the usual hustle bustle of clothes and accessories that a woman's heart so desires; I started looking at other possibilities. Here, my mind fought a battle; on one side stood logic and reason, and on the other stood the dream of something new and exciting. I found myself considering two contrasting options, a pen drive I much need on one hand; and this beautiful, elegant deep royal blue non-stick pan on the other.

For someone with no kitchen, and no true patience to cook with love for all around me; a pan seemed rather indulging. I wondered why it is that I suddenly thought pan was so interesting. I have always loved a beautiful, well stocked kitchen, with a sense of homeliness and character. I like cooking, I sing as I cook, I like the way the seemingly simple ingredients transform into something cohesive and smell of memories and new experiences. They excite all senses, and all this happens right in front of your eyes, like true magic that in some way is influenced by you. I think this dream to cook for the cooking's sake sparked this desire to buy the pan. The pan was less of an object and more of a representation of a dream of what a little more with pan could be.

A pen drive was on the other hand more practical. I work on many machines, with a rather vagabond attitude to machines. I love the cloud, that is the most sensible of inventions that is brought with the internet. However, practicality is associated with drabness, it cannot be ignored; but, when the mind has decided to dwell upon a dream, especially one that can be conjured in that pan, arguments of practicality seem futile. A dream is always so, it tries to push the limits of reality. A dream demands one to give up logic and practicality and look at what can be. A dream is a like a version of future that is in your hands to be shaped into existence. A power of what can be in one's hand now. How can one deny acknowledging a dream? Denying the existence of a dream is to deny the possibility that oneself can be more than what one is today. If so, how can I deny what a better tomorrow can be?

This was after all, my share of extra money, that I set aside to treat myself. There cannot be a better treat than to see a figment of a beautiful tomorrow sitting on my shelf and knowing that somehow I am taking a step towards it everyday. It would make me smile, to look at that blue pan, sitting and smiling back at me. Teasing me, treating me to dream more, strive more and live a little more. So, I dropped the sober practicality of a pen drive and chose the royal blue pan. As I walked all the way back from this expedition I smiled to myself from time to time, because what my shopping bag now was not a insignificant article, but a dream of something new to come. Now this pan sits on my shelf, with space for more dreams like a potter's wheel next to it. It also has a sign on it with date, and it reads "The beginning of a pan of dreams".

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