Sunday, March 10, 2013

The first - the start

It's one of those deceptively simple questions, that when you open your mouth to answer, meets with silence as an answer. "Who are you?". I can tell you my name, but that is just a sequence of sounds that others use to identify you from the rest. I could tell you my profession, but that is just a series of coincidences and effort. Right now, right here, I am.  In every sense of the word I am a wanderer and an observer. I wander, but in search of something special in everything mundane. I observe what just is, as is, nothing more and nothing less.
On the other hand, what I am writing in these pages are not observations. Observations  anyone can make, but I am making an attempt to articulate the experience of things. They are often so difficult to describe as words belittle the true sense of these experiences. What are these experiences you ask. They are nothing special at all, just everyday things, but the little actions and gestures that have more to them when compared to their simple appearances. This is the shreekiness that I have.
If you have ever hesitated from a new experience, then you will understand what I am talking about in the pages to follow. The rest will just be learning to live all over again, but this time I will be staying awake and paying attention to the details that I never felt before, because maybe I was too busy to observe.
I hope through these pages, I learn what a beautiful experience it is to be alive with all the senses active and mind in its own space, and thoughts experiencing the shreekiness. Hope you enjoy the journey too.

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