Monday, October 13, 2014

Philadelphia is poetry

Many years ago I learnt the truth about poetry. It is an expression of unlimited beauty in limited words. A good poem can stir emotions and ideas that never existed in the mind of the reader before. I am not an avid reader of poetry, but I watch movies, a lot of them. And there is one movie that I think fits the definition of poetry.

I have found myself watching , the movie that stirred the open debate about AIDS, homosexuality and discrimination on these grounds. A few decades prior to this movie America was struggling with racial discrimination and creating an equal opportunity society. A few decades later and till today most countries are still struggling with discrimination against homosexuals. Many songs like " " by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis tries to use the media to convey the hurt that is caused by discrimination. Somewhere though this movie reigns supreme in conveying the human emotions associated with this issue. On one hand it shows the struggle of an upcoming career oriented Tom Hanks with the disease that is destroying his life one day at a time. On the other it shows Denzel Washington coming to terms with his own prejudice against homosexuals.

The backdrop is Philadelphia, where the declaration of independence was signed in US. In this backdrop a new struggle for equality is emerging, one that asks for equal treatment and not special treatment of homosexuals. The entire struggle is to happen in courtroom with the language of the law, which every now and then Denzel Washington requests to be simplified with the most famous dialogue of "explain to me like I am a 6 year old." Through the movie the decorum of the courtroom is maintained and both sides present good arguments.

But it is what happens out of the court room that always moves me. Tom Hanks is a very good son, brother and partner. His brave face and refusal to be treated differently is the driving force of the whole case. Denzel Washington is a family man too, who loves his little daughter. The bond between these characters steals the show. Denzel Washington develops respect for his colleague. He learns that more that being queer, who make him uncomfortable, Tom Hanks is human. I think there is enough initiative till here to make you at least recollect the movie or wish to watch it Ponce if you have never seen it before. The famous song " " by Bruce Springsteen.

If this movie stirs you with any human emotion, sadness, compassion, disgust even; then it has fulfilled it's purpose. Since the purpose is to share the varied human reaction to the issue of homosexuality and AIDS and at the end the movie hopes to question the audience about their stand. It hopes to home in the realization that we are all humans and the best we can do is learn to respect other human beings. This is poetry for me. At the end of the movie, I know where I stand, rooted to earth and moved. Where do you?

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